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Instagram Declares War on Snapchat

Jessica Mack

Today, Instagram declared war on Snapchat - by launching its new feature called 'Stories'. Stories allow you to post more casual content, draw on it, add text etc. and those photos and videos will disappear within 24 hours. 

If you haven't used Snapchat yet - it isn't just for Tweens anymore, and you should get on it. But if you don't want to embrace yet another social media channel, now you can essentially do the same thing on Instagram. 

Already this morning there has been a lot of backlash on social media, complaining that Instagram's version of stories is a poor man's Snapchat and that they are trying too hard to be something they aren't. For most people, Instagram is used for curated, high-quality photography and not for quick snaps - which is part of what users love about the channel. Here are just a couple of tweets:

So, what do you think, is Instagram shooting itself in the foot by trying to be something it isn't? Leave me a comment and let me know what you think.

And if you'd like to learn more about Instagram Stories, here's their official blog announcement